The folks here at the Give Me 5! Campaign have had a busy month! As you know from our previous blog posts, our founder and other team members have been keeping busy representing the organization at different international events, and we are proud to announce our latest partnership with 2020 or Bust!
2020 or Bust is a similar campaign whose goals are very closely aligned with ours, with a specific focus on climate change. Their mission:
“to align the global community on the next five years as our make-it-or-break-it
window of opportunity in which to radically interrupt the current emissions trend and get us on track to end the
crisis in time; to generate the thinking, planning and action that will close the gap between where we’ll
predictably be in 2020 and where we need to be for us to be on track for a sustainable future.”
2020 or Bust provides several different options to take action against climate change, including recommendations on reducing your carbon footprint, getting involved with their campaign, and simply educating oneself about climate change, carbon emissions, and the reality of our current climate situation if we don’t make a collective effort to change. The name “2020 or Bust” derives from the concept that in order to not surpass the carbon budget (the maximum total amount of carbon the atmosphere can hold, or 2900 Gt), the world needs to radically reduce emissions by 2020. If we continue along our current track, we will surpass the carbon budget in roughly 25 years. The next few years will be the catalyst in whether or not we can prevent this from happening, which is what 2020 or Bust is raising awareness for.
The campaign’s advisory board includes United Nations veterans Olav Kjorven, Director of UNICEF’s Public Partnerships Division and former senior advisor at UNDP, and Dr. Niklas Hohne, founding partner of NewClimate Institute and lead author of UNEP’s Emissions Gap reports from 2010-2015.
2020 or Bust is currently working on a new app, to be unveiled at the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in Marrakech, that will make it even easier to stay up to date on the climate crisis and be a part of the solution.
In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, we need to make sure that the dialogue surrounding climate and carbon emissions is at the forefront of everyone’s mind. In order to improve our planet in ways that will benefit all of its inhabitants, we first need to ensure that our planet has a healthy future. Many thanks to the masterminds and team members behind 2020 or Bust, all of us at Give Me 5! are thrilled about this new partnership to reach our collective goals!