The Give Me 5 Campaign is embarking on an exciting new series of discussions with professors and academics whose work relates to the Sustainable Development Goals.
For our first discussion, we sat down and talked with Edrex Fontanilla, a multimedia artist who experiments with new mediums to help evoke empathy from the viewer.
Edrex uses these experimental forms of art because he believes anyone can find their voice and be a positive agent for change. With the power of the cameras on our phones, we are all able to find and amplify our voices.
Some of Edrex’s work, Over the River, for example, explores scenic panoramas of spaces that no longer exist due to the ravages of climate change. He hopes to use these stark examples of nature’s deterioration paired with empathy as a call for action for everyone to help the environment.
We hope you enjoy our discussion with Edrex as well as the rest of our up-and-coming discussions. Check back at our page for more!