The Institute for International Communication at St. John’s University, The United Nations Environment Group, UN-Habitat, and the Give Me 5 Campaign would like to extend a very warm invitation to the Give Me 5 Community and all of you who decidedly work for the betterment of people and planet, to the fourth e-discussion by the UN Environment Management Group – Nexus Dialogue Series:
“The Cities, Pollution, Health, Nexus” NOW till December 4th 2017.
Question 1:
Given the population dynamics of this century, urban communities will to be at the forefront and key to achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The New Urban Agenda launched at the Habitat 3 conference has laid the ground for partnerships within SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities). The upcoming 3rd UN Environment Assembly will gather ministers of environment of the world to focus on combating pollution. Agencies have long since identified plenty of opportunities at the local level and with local authorities to address rampant pollution and achieve environmental sustainability. However this is not a straight forward exercise.
What are the inter-linkages between the urban and health agendas for Sustainable Development?
Question 2:
Enriched by unprecedented e-discussions launched by UN Environment in partnership with WHO and hosted by UNDP, the UNEP-WHO joint report Healthy Environment, Healthy People served as the policy bedrock for the 2nd United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA). This report highlighted the link between environmental degradation and health outcomes. It is clear that pollution is severely detrimental to ecosystems and human health. Cities are the core of this nexus, and it is at the local level that action will need to be taken to address this growing problem.
How can we integrate urban and health policies to combat pollution and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals?
Question 3:
The pollution/health/cities nexus in practice – there are numerous examples of collaboration and lessons learned to be found within initiatives addressing specific health, urban, or pollution outcomes. There are less examples of solutions to be found which aim to address the nexus between them or that considers all three dimensions. Your experience and knowledge is valuable.
What are some solutions that can be implemented to end pollution, improve health, and achieve environmental sustainability in cities?