Student Blogs – Achieving the SDGs by Holly Warner, Arif Lallmohamed, Stephane Parent

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Health & Education in Conjunction with SDGsThe UN Sustainable Development Goals were created to keep us on a pathway to end poverty, preserve our environment, achieve peace, and promote prosperity throughout the member nations. It is a partnership led globally and we truly must all do our part. There are 17 goals, but for the […]

Student Blogs – Health and Education: Critical to Achieving the SDGs

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written by: Health is central to achieving Sustainable Development Goals. Having good health can notonly make a person happier but the world a better place. Sustainable Development Goals#2 (Zero Hunger), #3 (Good health and well-being), and #6 (Clean water and Sanitation)are most directly aimed at improving human health. While these specifically aim at directcontributors of […]

Student Blogs – Actions to improve Healthcare and Education

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written by: Consider, what could be one of the most important things out there when we want aneconomy at its maximum potential working for the best output? Some may saytechnological advancements in order to enhance the production efficiency, others maysay the availability of resources. But these cannot be achieved if not for the people, thatis, […]

Chronicles of HOME by Elodie Maupay

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Planet Earth is the only planet in the solar system to have the perfect temperature for water to find a balance. It can thus stay stable, in the liquid state; but also to evaporate; and be naturally in the form of ice at the poles. The Earth is also the only planet on which living […]

Celebrating Women

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This month is a wonderful month. It is the month in which we celebrate all women. As March 8th commemorates gender equality and women, March is considered to be Women’s month. It is during this month that women from all over the world gather at the United Nations for the Commission on the Status of […]