Conmemorating Black History Month at the UN

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Guest blog by Papa Dembele:

My name is Papa Thiecoro Dembele from Senegal, West Africa and I am currently serving as a Public Information Assistant at the United Nations. As a result of my initiative, the Guided Tours Unit of the UN recently launched a specialized tour for Black History Month.

Visitors can see:


  • The Security Council Chamber;
  • Exhibits on Peacekeeping, Human Rights and Disarmament;


  • General Assembly Hall;
  • Ark of Return.

The main focus of the tour is the Ark of Return which is a permanent memorial to honor the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade. It is located on the Visitors Plaza of the United Nations Headquarters. That monument serves as an opportunity to reflect on the suffering of more than 15 million African victims of the transatlantic slave trade which lasted from the 15th to the 19th century. The Ark of Return should serve as a reminder on the root causes of racism, xenophobia, discrimination and help call for action against the contemporary forms of slavery such as sex trafficking, debt bondage etc…

To purchase your tickets, please go to and click on the banner Special Tour for Black History Month for more information.

Please note that these specialized tours are available every weekday during February 2018 at 2:30 pm, or at a different time upon request, by sending an email to

For large group (40 persons or more), please contact the Reservations Team at

Thank you beforehand and I hope you will join us for the Special Tour!

Papa Thiecoro Dembele