by Amanda Dias
On Tuesday Give Me 5’s Campaign founder Juan Chebly was honored to take part in the 73rd UNGA High-Level Side Event
on Social Business, Youth and Technology: Innovate Together for Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The panel discussed the use of business, specifically social business, youth, and technology to further the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN.
The participants included:
Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Noble Peace prize winner,
Christophe Itier, French High Commissioner for Social and Solidarity Economy and Social Innovation,
Dr. Miro Cerar, Foreign Minister of The Government of Slovenia (TBC)
Shamma Al Mazrui, Minister of State for Youth Affairs, United Arab Emirates
Mr.Christian Braun, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Luxembourg to the United Nations.
There was a lot of great discussion regarding the role of youth and social movements to promote the overall well-being of the planet. Both guests stressed the importance of people advocating for their rights and those of the planets to keep the future alive. Mr. Chebly talked about the real importance of movements like the Give Me 5 Campaign and the mounting issues we address.
It is is through prioritazation of sustainable development and adecuate investments in peace that we can level the playing field and provide the necessary incentives for all business to be social business.
Throughout the panel the consensus was that people have the to power to do anything as long as they put their minds to it. The Give Me 5 Campaign will continue to work with Nobel Prize Prof. Yunus to advance the cause of social business and the sustainable development goals together. This partnership has been enabled by Mr. Alex Wang, secretary General of Youth4SDGs, from China, who organised the event on behalf of the Global Commitee on Social Business, Youth and technology, the Yunus Centre, the governments of France, Luxembourg, Slovenia, and the United Arab Emirates.
You can watch the video here: