Sustainable Tuna Fish Farms

Posted on Posted in by Elyas Harris

by Elyas Harris.

There are various forms of livestock farming. This article focuses on fishery. Mostly when people think about fish farming, they usually think of salmon or tilapia. However, at the moment Indonesia has been creating Tuna fish farms, for instance. One of the challenges with the fish farms for tuna is that they depend on the coral reef systems. This means that even when we have found a sustainable way to harvest fish, we still depend on healthy marine ecosystems for their productivity and yield. 

One of the challenges with tuna farms is that they depend on the coral reef system.

The pH in the ocean has been changing like it has over the years, there will be issues with the tuna fishes’ environment. This change in pH is due in part to a higher concentration of C02 in the atmosphere, which is then absorbed by the oceans. This in turn makes oceans more acidic, showing tangible evidence of teh negative effects of climate change across all ecosystems in our planet. The changes in pH mostly affect the coral reef, which causes an issue called Coral Bleaching. Coral bleaching does not only affect the fish farms, but also other ecosystems inside of the Ocean. Fish farming can be a sustainable way to harvest fish as it can help ensure that aquatic ecosystems are not depleted. This approach can also help curve the issue of illegal fishing which can be quite harmful to our oceans. Currently, China is the leader in fish farming, with sixty two percent of the world’s fish farms and fisheries.

If you would like to find out more about sustainable tuna farms please visit: