Chronicles of HOME by Elodie Maupay

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Planet Earth is the only planet in the solar system to have the perfect temperature for water to find a balance. It can thus stay stable, in the liquid state; but also to evaporate; and be naturally in the form of ice at the poles. The Earth is also the only planet on which living […]

Chronicles of HOME – by Marie Laurent

Posted on Posted in by Marie Laurent

Planet Earth has existed for 4.47 billion years. Since its creation she has been constantly evolving to find the perfect balance for each element to have its place and have a role to play. The motors of terrestrial life are water and air. These elements are the building blocks of life. As air condenses, it […]

Invasive Species

Posted on Posted in by Elyas Harris

By Elyas Harris, Biodiversity has been modeled and defined by different geographic and climatic circumstances. These circumstances have triggered special adaptations best described by the theory of evolution which in turn gave way to different ecosystems across the world. However, modern technology has made it possible for humans to reach every part of the world, […]

Anthropogenic Underwater Noise

Posted on Posted in by Elyas Harris

by Elyas Harris. Sound waves can travel underwater. Man made sound waves or noise can have a significant impact on the marine mammal life underwater. The noise can disturb the migration patterns of the mammals as well as stheir reproductive patterns and hunting habits. Noise pollution from ships and drilling for natural resources can be […]

The UN HLPF 2018: Reviewing Progress towards Global Sustainable Development

Posted on Posted in by Juan E. Chebly

The High-level Political Forum, United Nations central platform for follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals, provides for the full and effective participation of all States Members of the United Nations and States members of specialized agencies. “The 2030 Agenda is our roadmap and its goals and […]